Cost Segregation

It is often difficult to determine whether an asset is personal property or real property for federal tax purposes. Trying to determine which asset life to use just adds an additional layer of complexity to the situation. That’s why we believe it’s important to engage a firm that has both engineering expertise for ensuring individual assets are correctly classified personal or real property as well as tax expertise for determining the appropriate fixed asset schedule (asset life) for each asset.

PINNACLE’s Cost Segregation team offers you both levels of expertise. Our specialist team contains both in-house tax specialist and engineers to ensure that our cost segregation studies are complete and well documented while maintaining an outstanding record for satisfying IRS requirements and maximizing your tax benefits.

Cost Segregation Overview

Cost Segregation is the process of identifying personal property and other, short-lived assets that are grouped with real property assets, then separating them out for tax reporting purposes to maximize your tax deductions.

Cost Segregation

If you are acquiring, expanding or building a facility Pinnacle’s Cost Segregation team can help you minimize your tax bill and increase your cash flow.

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Sales Tax

Whether you are looking for compliance assistance or refund opportunities, Pinnacle will provide a clear vision and coordinated plan to minimize your state and local tax cost and liabilities.

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Research Credit

Learn how your company’s activities to improve your design, products or process can lead to significant R&D tax credits.

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